Sunday, May 27, 2012

With an Outreached Arm...

No, that's not the right quote, but I am allowed to paraphrase, it's my blog.

So I am out in Victoria, BC! It's beautiful out here, so much so that I wish I never lived anywhere else, but logistically it would be tough to stay here. But I think I'll have to start planning yearly pilgrimages to Vancouver Island just to get my fix of the landscape.

One of the first things I did for Cetus was help out with an outreach effort. We went to Maple Bay during their boat festival.

Instead of telling you all about it... I'm going to (once again) direct you to the Cetus website, where I have already put my blogging skills to use in writing out it for them!

So click here to see what I had to say about the Boat Festival!

Speak Loud!

PS. The last two photos were of my own taking. More pictures to follow (including ones of killer whales!)

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