Friday, April 27, 2012

Good News!

Hi Everyone!!

Wow, it's been a while! Sorry, but April was pretty boring. Finished up on inventory (I looked at over 7200 samples. Oy.) and I just finished helping out on some data conversion (I might post about that in the future). But in terms of Marine Biology, it's been a quiet month.

Until Now!

I have been accepted as an intern with the Cetus Research Society for this summer! It's out in Victoria, BC, Canada and I am so excited to (finally) get out to the West Coast and live like a hippie (kidding). The internship will get me out on the boat but also talking to people about killer whales and the impacts of boating. I'm really excited to get experience in both aspects.

So keep your eyes peeled starting in a couple weeks for updates on my adventure!

Speak Loud!


  1. Amazing! We will be in Vancouver in August. Any plans to visit Vancouver while you are in Victoria? We will be house sitting at your saftas!

    1. Lots of plans to visit Vancouver while it's so close! Tell me when you're in Vancouver and I will do my best to make my way over!
