Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hi from Home!

Hey Team!

So I'm back home on the prairies :( The season is coming to an end for MICS, and they figured they would send me home when they planned, because there wasn't enough god weather days to keep me on. I learned so much while I was out there, about whales, research and most importantly about myself and where I want my future to lead.

The biggest thing is that I think I might be done with unpaid internships. I have loved my life the past two years, if my posts are any indication about how much fun I've been having, they are nothing compared to real life. But at a certain point you realize that you want certain things in life - like not living with your parents - and those things cost money. Money you can't make if you're not getting paid.

So now I have a couple choices - I am applying for jobs as they come up, and working part time at home to feed my fun and friend addictions at home, as well my travel addiction on a more minor level. I have to figure out if I want to get a full-time-rent-paying job here in the city not in my field, or just putt around until something related shows up.

With all the dumb luck I've had over the years, maybe the opportunity will come up sooner than expected. Until then, this blog will hopefully be updated with reviews of movies, books, tv shows, as well as anything else that sparks my interest. It's constantly evolving and changing, just like me!

The weather is getting colder, I sure wish I had a layer of blubber sometimes. Stay warm both on and off the water!

Speak Loud!

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