Friday, July 19, 2013

That Update that Should Have Happened a While Ago...

Hey Team!

Wow, it's been a really really long time! I apologize profusely! I could say have been hectic, but honestly, I've just struggled getting motivated to write on this thing.

So I left you all in April... wow! May was spent travelling, no real science there. Although I did go to a couple great museums/zoos. Reviews may come soon, stay tuned. I landed at home right before the beginning of June and started to worry about finding a job for the summer, because I knew I was leaving sooner than most places would like. One fun fact about me, I have no experience in "first jobs", like food service, retail or even barista! Which makes finding basic summer jobs that will be okay hiring me for 10 weeks or so a challenge. But I was teaching swimming every once and a while, and I figured life would take care of me.

And take care of me it did! For no good reason other than I could, I applied for a summer position at the Manitoba Museum in their Collections and Conservation Department. Now, I have a lot of experience at the MM,  but all of it is out in the public eye, and usually has a lot to do with children. This job would tuck me out of sight and out of mind. Not something I'm used to, but what could it hurt? I applied and forgot about it.

Well two weeks and an interview later, I got the job! With a flexible end time it has turned out to be the exact opportunity I needed! And I can put off learning valuable working skills (can I get you more coffee?) for another couple months.

I'm five weeks in, only four to go until I head off to Quebec for what I'm hoping is the best and most life-changing internship to date. This internship has the potential to completely change my life, and will help point me in the right direction. But no expectations or pressure.

So I've made this list before, one day it might actually happen...

  • Review of Museum in Ottawa/Zoo in DC
  • Differences in Conservation and Research
  • A look into my job here at the Manitoba Museum (I swear it has connections to marine biology)
  • An announcement of some VERY exciting news!
If any of this sounds remotely interesting, please stay tuned! If I can get my priorities straight, I should have all these done before I get to Longue-Pointe de Mingan!

Speak Loud!

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