Friday, April 26, 2013

At the end

Hey Team,

So here I am, my second last day of my internship in Croatia. Unfortunately it wasn't the most exciting internship. On the water, our main job was to watch for dolphins, monitor dolphins during a sighting, and to take the waypoints every five minutes during the sighting. It was very similar to what I did in Florida here. In the office, it was a lot of little jobs here and there, some photo-ID, data entry, even trips to the post office and on one very long day, a lot of yard work and cleaning up an old military base where they are hoping to open a new centre (I was 95% sure I would find a dead body).

That being said, it was a lot of fun being in a totally new country where everything is different. This was the smallest village I've ever lived in, and it was a struggle, it being a tourist town it didn't really "open" until 3 weeks before I left. Just now, restaurants, bars and activity centres are opening... too little too late for me.

But it's given me a chance to watch a lot of TV and movies, pretend to learn more French (I do actually think I'm learning something) and I guess just RELAX! which is something I haven't done for this long in... forever. I usually get maybe a week or two without being too busy and too many commitments, but 3 months? I have never had that much down time, even with work every day.

I should have blogged more, I know, but without internet at the house, my only web time is at work, when I should be working... but there's enough time between assignments to do some blogging.

Anyways, now you know a little bit more of what I was doing here in Croatia at the Blue World Institute. Now I get to travel around in May, visiting with some friends and family in East North America. I have no idea what the plans are for the summer, until August when I head off to Mingan Island for (hopefully) my last internship. Once I'm home in June, hopefully I will have more time to update this thing.

Speak Loud!

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