Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Hey Team!

After two long years of writing and editing and writing and editing, and not writing, then writing and editing and writing and editing and.... well you get the idea...
I have PUBLISHED my research in an honest-to-goodness scientific journal with an honest-to-goodness official sounding name!!
Along with my thesis supervisor and the veterinarian from the local zoo, we successfully turned my honours thesis into a journal article which was accepted to the Canadian Journal of Zoology.
There was a bit of crying and a lot of jumping around and a lot of celebratory dancing that went along with the publication.
This is also a chance to thank everyone who went on this crazy journey with me. Put up with my insanity while writing the thesis, edited the paper over and over without calling me an idiot too many times, and for some helped me through some breakdowns where I truly believed I couldn't pull any of it off.
You can find a link to the article here. If you don't have access to the journal (and I don't really expect you to), and know me personally and want a copy to read, I can send one your way. I can't promise you'll understand much, depending on your background, but I love to answer questions almost all the time.
Speak Loud!